We Provide…
Radiation Portal Monitors and Mobile Radiation Monitors for Law Enforcement, First Responders, and those charged with protecting Critical Infrastructures.
Illicit transportation of Special Nuclear Materials (SNM) remains a threat to the public. Recent attacks worldwide serve as reminders that terrorists can employ improvised explosive devices (IEDs) as weapons of mass disruption. With groups like ISIS and others actively seeking nuclear material to build Improvised Nuclear Devices (INDs), investing in Preventive Radiation and Nuclear Detection (PRND) such as radiation detection portals or mobile detectors remains a high priority for infrastructure and civilian protection.
TerraTracker enables law enforcement and first responders to detect, locate, and prevent SNM threats coming by land, air, or water, with our Adaptable Radiation Area Monitor (ARAM). Our technology includes a self-contained radiation detection system comprised of a R&D 100 Award-winning Radiation Detection technology.

Request more information about TerraTracker's Adaptable Radiation Area Monitors
Contact TerraTracker for advice about the appropriate PRND system that meets your mission requirements for SNM threat protection. We offer both radiation portal monitors and mobile radiation monitors suitable for deployment in vehicles on land, air, and water. Get more information about our products and a quote for the solution that will meet your needs.
PRND for Public Safety and National Security
Detect, Identify and Decide
Our Solutions
Designed for ease of use
Passive detection and identification
Technical and operational support
Proven technology
ARAM Portal
A Fixed Portal Monitor for Infrastructure, Border and Cargo Container Passive Screening
ARAM Mobile
Installs in Vehicles, Vessels or Aircraft to Adapt to Your PRND Mission Requirements
The three main components of the ARAM mobile system are two gamma detectors, two neutron detectors, and a notebook or tablet computer. Our system can be configured specifically for your vehicle, vessel, or aircraft.